Constitution of the Doncaster-Herten German Society
Adopted on the seventh day of September 2014
1.0 Name
The name of the organisation is Doncaster-Herten German Society (Doncaster-Herten Deutsche Gesellschaft), herein called the Society.
2.0 Aims of the Society
2.1 To enable members to associate together in a common effort to advance knowledge of the language, culture and history of the German speaking nations with the object of improving the linguistic skills of members and an understanding of these nations.
2.2 To assist with reciprocal visits and cultural exchange between Herten and Doncaster to further the friendship and understanding between the people.
2.3 To develop and implement an activity calendar to the benefit of all members to further all points in 2.1 and 2.2 above.
2.4 To raise funds to provide an income to help and support membership activities provided that the Society does not undertake or in any way engage in any permanent trading activities in raising funds.
2.5 To co-operate with voluntary organisations, statutory authorities and private sector organizations operating in furtherance of the aims of the Society, or of similar purposes, and to exchange information and advice with them.
2.6 The Society shall be non-political and non-sectarian.
3.0 Membership
3.1 Membership is open to all.
3.2 Every member of the Society shall have one vote at the AGM.
3.3 Every member of the Society shall pay such subscription on a yearly basis as the Committee shall from time to time determine.
3.4 Cancellation of membership will not, under normal circumstances, entitle the member to any refund of the membership fee.
3.5 Suspension or termination of membership of any member will be by decision of the Committee and subject to appeal. Such suspension or termination may result from:
3.5.1 failure to pay the annual membership fee within five months of the due date despite a minimum of two written requests;
3.5.2 conduct of a member which in the opinion of the Committee is prejudicial to the Society.
3.5.3 The member shall have the right to appeal and be heard within 31 days by the Committee, which shall be quorate, before the final decision is made. At the hearing the member may be accompanied by a friend.
4.0 Executive Committee
4.1 The Executive Committee is herein called the Committee.
4.2 The members of the Committee will be elected at the AGM by fully paid-up members aged 16 years and over.
4.3 The Committee will comprise:-
a Chairperson
b Secretary
c Treasurer
d Liaison Officer
e Three additional members, who may deputise for any of the above positions.
f If required, other members can be co-opted onto the Committee when needed, provided that the number of co-opted members shall not exceed one quarter of the total number of elected Committee members. Co-opted members will not have voting rights on the Committee.
4.4 All Committee members shall retire from office together at the AGM, but may be re-elected or re-appointed.
4.5 A Committee member shall cease to hold office if he/she notifies the Secretary in writing of his/her decision (but only if three Committee members remain in office). A handover period of at least two weeks should be allowed for the Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and Liaison Officer.
4.6 Suspension or termination of membership of the Committee will be by decision of the Committee and may result from:-
a unexplained absence from all Committee meetings held within a three-month period;
b conduct prejudicial to the work of the Committee.
4.7 Subject to provision of the AGM, the policy and general management of the affairs of the Society shall be directed by the Committee, which shall meet not less than five times a year.
4.8 There shall be a quorum when at least 3 members of the Committee are present at a meeting.
4.9 Every matter shall be determined by a majority of votes of the Committee members present and voting on the question. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairperson of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote but only if he/she has voted in their own right on the matter.
4.10 The Committee shall authorize four Committee signatories to sign cheques. All cheques must be signed by any two of the four authorized signatures.
4.11 Special/urgent Committee meetings may be called at any time by the Chairperson, or any member of the Committee; not less than four days notice to be given of the matters to be discussed.
5.0 Executive Committee Officer Responsibilities
5.1 Chairperson – to give an annual report at the AGM, control and conduct meetings, give directions to the Secretary, countersign approval of all proposed expenditure of funds.
5.2 Secretary – responsible for maintaining a register of members; recording the minutes of meetings, such minutes to be approved by the following Committee meeting; circulating the minutes before the next meeting; Society correspondence; informing all members of the AGM and special general meetings; inviting nominations to the Committee; circulating the annual accounts provided by the Treasurer; voting procedures at the AGM and recording the results.
5.3 Treasurer – responsible for keeping account of all income and expenditure; recording all payments of membership fees and providing a list of all paid up members to the Secretary. All monies paid to the Society shall be paid to the Treasurer who shall bank the monies into the account opened in the name of the Society. An amount in cash, reasonable for the purposes of forthcoming events, may be held by the Treasurer for payment of expenses incurred, provided they are all properly recorded. Issuing cheques, with prior approval of the Committee and signed by two Committee Members. Providing an annual report for AGM approval. Having accounts audited for presentation at the AGM.
5.4 Liaison Officer – responsible for maintaining links with Freundeskreis Doncaster, particularly in relation to sharing news and other information of interest to the respective Societies. Providing and maintaining photographic and printed records of exchanges.
6.0 AGM
6.1 The AGM to be held in September 2014 and thereafter in November with effect from November 2015.
6.2 Secretary to inform all members of the AGM in writing 21 days in advance, inviting written nominations of Committee members and circulating the annual accounts provided by the Treasurer.
6.3 Nomination of Committee members shall be made in writing to the Secretary no less than 10 days before the AGM.
6.4 The AGM will:-
6.4.1 hear the Chairperson’s and Treasurer’s reports;
6.4.2 approve the annual accounts and the appointment of the auditor of the annual accounts;
6.4.3 vote on any proposed changes to the constitution (see under Section 8.0 below);
6.4.4 elect the Executive Committee. Should nominations exceed vacancies, election shall be by ballot. Committee members appointed by the AGM shall take office with effect from election during the AGM in September 2014 and with effect from the first meeting after the AGM from November 2015 onwards;
6.4.5 consider any other business.
6.5 All votes other than to amend the constitution will be a simple majority, with the Chairperson of the Committee having a casting vote. If the Chairperson does not vote on his/her own behalf he/she will not have the right to use their casting vote.
7.0 Special General Meetings
7.1 The Chairperson of the Committee may at any time at his or her discretion and giving reasons for the request call a special general meeting of the Society to consider the business specified on the notice of the meeting and for no other purpose.
7.2 The Chairperson or Secretary shall within 21 days of receiving a request signed by no fewer than four members of the Society and giving reasons for the request, call a special general meeting of the Society to consider the business specified on the notice and for no other purpose.
8.0 Amendments to the Constitution
Any proposal to alter the constitution must be delivered in writing to the Secretary not less than 28 days before the date of the meeting at which it is first to be considered and shall be notified by the Secretary in writing to all members 21 days before the said meeting. Any alteration will require the approval of the two-thirds majority of the members aged 16 and over present at the meeting.
9.0 Dissolution
If the Committee decide that it is necessary or advisable to dissolve the Society, they shall call a meeting of all members of the Society of which not less than 21 days notice (stating the terms of the resolution to be proposed) shall be given. If the proposal is confirmed by a two thirds majority of the members aged 16 and over present and voting, the Committee shall have the power to realize assets held by or on behalf of the Society. Any assets remaining after the satisfaction of any proper debts and liabilities shall be given or transferred to such charitable institutions or organisations having similar objects to the objects of this Society as the members of the Society may determine, or failing that, shall be applied for some other charitable purpose. Any debts remaining at the time of dissolution shall be the responsibility of the current Committee.